Lentils as a Super food

Lentils as a Super food
Much has been said about lentils being a super food in recent times and it's growing importance in international food scene is a testament to the fact that it does work !
Let me tell you why you should be incorporating lentils in your diet and the health benefits you can expect.
1. Nutritionally Rich
Did you know that 80 gm of lentils have as much protein as 80 gm of chicken ? A half a cup of lentils might satisfy your daily fibre needs for the day quite easily. Lack of fibre in our diets have come out as a single leading cause of bowel cancer in the developed countries. A daily dose of lentils can reduce the risk of cancer,diabetes and heart diseases.
2. Keeps you fuller for longer
This is one of the most common misconceptions associated with plant based protein options. Although it is a known fact that lentils are low on the Glycemic Index(GI), meaning they release energy slowly and keep your blood sugar levels even without any spikes or crashes.
3.Kinder to the environment
Lentils require fewer resources to grow and, calorie for calorie, produce only 2.5 percent of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide as beef, and 10 percent of the carbon dioxide of tofu. That makes lentils one of the greenest crops to grow—especially when you factor in their high protein content.
We at Simply Lentils have a range of legume premixes which can make incorporating lentils in your diet very easy. They are quick and easy to prepare and can be adopted to your recipe needs as required.
Embrace the power of legumes and help the planet !
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